Learn how shifting to a value-based business model can align client expectations with service delivery, enhancing client satisfaction and business outcomes.
Explore how Social Talent Planning revolutionises resource management in professional services, enhancing cross-staffing and optimising resource allocation.
Explore how IA is transforming the professional services industry by enhancing productivity, analysis, and decision-making while preserving essential human skills.
Discover proven strategies for professional services companies to succeed in international expansion. Learn from Altios experts at the ProServices Day 2024.
Gain key insights from the ProServices Day audit roundtable with Virginie Chauvin, Partner at Forvis Mazars in France ,and Arnaud Cammas General Director of Napta.
Explorez les insights clés de la conférence du ProServices Day par Anaïs Pierre, de PwC. Comment les modèles sociaux innovants transforment-ils la gestion des talents ?
Découvrez la vision d'Alexandre Morenon-Condé sur les défis futurs du leadership présentée lors du ProServices Day 2024. Apprenez les meilleures stratégies pour 2025.
Key strategies for attracting, developing and retaining IT services talents. Optimise your talent management on the long term and boost your company's performance.