Napta, the innovative AI solution for resource management, made for professional services.
Pour une croissance portée par l'humain, soutenue par l'IA.
Conçu pour s'adapter à votre réalité, Napta aide les cabinets de conseil, audit et les ESN à optimiser leur quotidien. Constituer la bonne équipe projet, piloter son activité, avoir une visibilité complète et à jour sur les compétences disponibles dans l’entreprise - ce sont autant de facettes de votre activité que vous retrouverez sur Napta.
How did Napta come about?
Napta was founded on a fundamental principle: a virtuous cycle exists between company performance and employee engagement.

In professional services businesses, success begins with effective resource management. Optimal planning is crucial for ensuring growth, profitability, and team dedication. This is where Napta excels and becomes your most valuable partner.
But where does the name Napta come from?
There is a site in Egypt composed of blocks of stone, dating back to 8000 BC and symbolizing stability. Known as Nabta Playa, is actually the world's first calendar. It allowed populations to anticipate the seasons, to forecast plantations and to organize collective life effectively.

A strong symbol of collaboration and planning that Napta was inspired by to create the most efficient resource management tool on the market.
Key figures
including 60% of tech and support teams dedicated to the satisfaction of our customers.
+150 corporate clients
They all trust us to implement and monitor Napta.
A global presence in +70 countries
Napta is adaptable
anywhere in the world.
customer score
Reflecting our commitment to customer satisfaction.
Our values
We have a
service-oriented mindset
Support is part of our DNA.

We dedicate ourselves to understanding the challenges you face and are committed to finding tailored solutions for everyone’s development. We listen attentively, offer help and facilitate with flexibility and openness, free from ego or judgment.
We are
always benevolent
Collaboration and knowledge sharing are crucial for achieving mutual success.

That’s why we are committed to continually enriching and sharing our expertise with employees, customers, and partners. We are precise and educational, offering sharp and reliable support as a trustworthy partner to enhance efficiency and foster autonomy.
We have an unwavering ambition
We are dedicated to both collective success and individual growth.

Our resilience and good humor are our strengths, and no challenge intimidates us. Demanding yet humble, we believe that nothing is impossible.
We are
honesty, embodied
We prioritize accuracy in our communication because honest exchanges are crucial for effective teamwork and individual growth.

We consistently share all the information needed for project success, regardless of the type. Guided by both principle and conviction, we are sincere and pragmatic.
The best talents are at Napta
From the start, Napters have been committed to serving our customers and enhancing their operational environment.

Our success is rooted in a team united by kindness, a strong services-oriented mindset, honesty, and ambition.

Our passionate and dedicated professionals form the vibrant core of our company. Each team member, with their unique expertise, enriches our corporate culture through diverse skills and perspectives.

Together, we are focused on exceeding customer expectations with creative and tailored solutions.
Our investors and partners
They trust us
Do you want to know more?
Join a community of users who love Napta.
See what Napta can do for you
Le secteur de nos clients
La raison d’être des cabinets de conseil, d’audit et ESN est d’accompagner les acteurs économiques dans les grandes transformations socio-économiques du monde. Les transformations actuelles ne manquent pas (Data, IA, sustainability, ré-industrialisation, et souvent souveraineté nationale, …), le secteur s’est déjà formé sur celles-ci, et les entreprises sont plus que jamais demandeuses d’accompagnement.

Le conseil a donc encore de beaux jours devant lui, et cela se matérialisera probablement par des taux de croissance à deux chiffres.
Quelques réglementations du secteur
Norme ISQM-1
“L’International Standard on Quality Management” est une norme internationale de gestion de la qualité qui s'applique aux cabinets d'audit.”

Nous vous soutenons à répondre aux exigences de cette norme en matière de conception, d'implémentation et de suivi de votre système de gestion de la qualité pour les audits, les revues limitées de situations financières, et d'autres services associés.
Nos collaborations sont uniquement réalisées auprès de partenaires de confiance qui se conforment au RGPD.

Nous assurons une transparence sans précédent auprès de vous et du respect de vos données.