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How do I draw up a load plan without Excel?
Project planning

How do I draw up a load plan without Excel?

Content manager
November 10, 2021
3 min

Before opting for a tool dedicated to the load plan, many companies start creating a load plan in Excel. And it is difficult to blame them, knowing that Excel can remain a powerful tool, as long as the company does not exceed 10 employees!

However, the longevity of a business is up to it to evolve with the times. Thus, Excel has numerous limitations and weaknesses, with disastrous consequences on organization and project management. Napta takes stock!


Why don't you have to create an Excel load plan?

Excel is a software specialized in calculations. However, establishing a load plan is more than just doing calculations. By nature, it is not suitable for this use. All small businesses that start with Excel face real difficulties, wasting time that is detrimental to project monitoring:

  • Centralizing data is impossible on a single document.
  • Validation processes are not automated.
  • Data cannot be crossed, slowing down the decision-making of managers.
  • Information is quickly out of date.
  • The visibility of the progress of the project is restricted.
  • The data is not secure (corrupted or modified by mistake), there is no possibility of going back, etc...


Learn more: why can't Excel be your staffing tool?


Is using your ERP a good alternative?


Many companies are turning to their ERP tool in order to overcome the limitations of Excel. However, it in turn quickly demonstrates numerous difficulties in project monitoring:

  • It is difficult to consolidate the skills and availability of employees on the tool.
  • Data cross-referencing is impossible.
  • The user experience is poor because of the size of the tool.
  • It does not provide concrete visibility, nor does it calculate resource requirements.
  • The stages of the project are not delineated. Deadlines are not set.
  • The various staffing managers, managers and HR managers do not have visibility. Thus, it is not uncommon for many employees to discuss employee needs with HR, ignoring ERP.
  • No match, between the requests of the staffing/HR managers on the needs for each project.


Among other things, maintaining a load plan without Excel, but using the ERP, can have serious consequences on the profitability of the company.


What are the solutions for managing your load plan tool?


Maintain a load plan without Excel, it's more than possible! Here are 3 tips to follow to set up an efficient load plan tool within your company.


Make a specification


It is important that all stakeholders are in sync with the new workload plan tool. Thus, it is advisable to start by creating a specification. The latter reflects all the needs of your business.

We recommend that you bring together the various project managers for your workload plan tool: staffing managers, operations directors, project managers or managers. It's the perfect time to brainstorm. The latter allows you to lay down your goals and the obstacles you want to see disappear. During this intensive meeting, do not hesitate to present both your keys to success and the factors causing the slowdown.

Do not forget to specify in your specifications for your load plan tool:

  • The fixed duration of the project. Add all the steps to be respected, as well as the objectives (turnover, time for each stage of the project, etc.).
  • The collaborators assigned to each task. If you lack collaborators or skills, do you have these talents in your contacts? Should you consider recruiting new employees?
  • Don't forget the constraints related to your project: holidays, RTT, working methods, etc.

Give priority to dynamic reporting


Once you have established your specifications, look for a load plan tool that meets all of your needs. It is very important that it is able to centralize and analyze data in dynamic reports.

Indeed, your workload plan must simultaneously centralize data and individual or global expenses for each employee. It must ensure a provisional vs real organization.

In this way, you refine your working methods as your projects progress. Your workload plan perfectly foresees the least interference with the project.

Adopt a tool dedicated to managing the load plan


Napta is developing a management solution, in line with staffing managers. This all-in-one platform ensures:

  • A complete and centralized database. All users of the platform have access to automatically updated data.
  • A centralized solution that adapts to your tools and not the other way around.
  • Total customization according to the needs and processes put in place: skills framework, feedback, employee profiles, etc.
  • A technology that highlights the most important criteria for your business, etc.

In conclusion


Before embarking on an Excel workload plan, ask yourself if it is the best solution! Although this software is easily accessible, it does not concentrate the technology necessary to ensure the management of your projects.

Succeeding in your project requires equipping yourself with the best tools! Refine your needs for all your projects: human, budget, time allotted, deadlines, etc. without forgetting each project stage and your goals.


Do you want to go deeper into the subject? We have lots of resources at your disposal to help you go further.

In addition to this subject, find our template”The perfect load plan for a successful deployment.” ‍


Also discover our guides, templates and checklists in the Resources tab.

See you soon at Napta!


To find out how Napta supports you on a daily basis in managing your load plan, discover our dedicated module through a personalized demonstration of our solution.

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